u.s. hispanic

Reel of CNN en Español´s Upfront

May 16, 2018

For the new season, CNN en Español has several original documentaries such as Rescatando La Habana and new programming for the Mexican community, such as Perspectivas Desde México and for the South Cone with En Diálogo con Longobardi, among others. The CNN en Español business unit is responsible for several multi-media platforms geared toward Spanish-speaking audiences around the world, including CNN en Español 24 hour cable news feeds for the U.S., Mexico and Latin America, which reach nearly 50 million households, as well as CNNEspanol.com, CNN en Español Radio, CNN en Español on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The CNN en Español brand brings a premium, multiple platform experience to Spanish-speakers across the Americas.

Casa productora: CNN en Español