Court Stroud of Vme: We’re finally at the moment where digital video and television are becoming one

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 29 de mayo de 2012

Vme is eager to work with advertisers to create solutions that build brands, support their corporate messages, and speak to Vme’s viewers.Overall it looks like there will be an uptick in upfront spending this year. Another major trend that will be big in this year’s upfront will be the true blurring between digital video and television -and advertisers are responding well to this. We’re finally at the moment where the two are becoming one. Another major trend we are seeing this year is content launching across numerous platforms and in several countries simultaneously. Another trend in the market is the new networks entering the Hispanic market -these will only help grow the overall market.When we look at the marketplace, we’re seeing a large growth in the entertainment area with increased spending by movie studios. To address the desires of our viewers, Vme has expanded its bilingual/bicultural programming, such as movie wrap-up show En Pantalla, from 30 minutes to an hour. Our online partner, Prisa Digital, is bringing social gaming to Vme’s website which ties content on Vme’s air, such as hits Águila Roja and El Barco, to the young and hip Latino demographic. Vme’s online site is going through a complete revamp and will be relaunching in June.A great example of a successful promotion on Vme is a 360-integration with Clorox. Clorox wanted to teach kids to keep germ-free and healthy by properly washing hands. The campaign features Las Tres Mellizas, Vme animated stars, appearing in originally produced 60-second vignettes. The campaign also features community appearances by Minerva Borjas, host of Vme’s parenting show TuBeBé, as well as social media and editorial print coverage.

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