The President and CEO at Edelman, Richard Edelman will deliver the first keynote address at the Hispanicize CMO Summit of Hispanicize 2017 on April 3rd. The marketing and PR leader presentation will set the tone for a Hispanicize CMO Summit that will feature a full day of sessions with CMOs and Senior Marketing Executives. During his speech, Edelman will be discussing the findings of this year’s Trust Barometer study, which explores the opportunities for business to lead and earn trust in an era of populism, the imperatives for leaders and organizations of all kinds to develop a new model of earning trust, the state of Trust among U.S. Hispanics and why a majority of people in the region believe the system is failing them. The second keynoter of the summit is NASA virtual reality pioneer Evelyn Miralles, Principal Engineer and Lead VR innovator for NASA’s Virtual Reality Laboratory (VRLab). Summit speakers also include Niharika Shah, VP Head of Brand Marketing & Advertising, at Prudential Financial Inc.; Richard Montanez, Director of Multicultural Sales and Marketing – North America, at PepsiCo; Alfredo Rodriguez, VP of Marketing, at DishLATINO; Ken Jones, VP, Corporate Marketing, at Carnival Corporation; Nydia Sahagun, SVP, Segment Marketing, at Wells Fargo; Steve Barrett, Editorial Director, at PRWeek; Melissa Proctor, CMO, at Atlanta Hawks; Jonathan Guerin, Senior Public Relations Manager, at United Airlines; Cid Wilson, President/CEO, at Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, among others.