Gustavo Razzetti From Liberationist: Organizations Must Prepare For A “United Moment”

Liz Unamo| 24 de abril de 2017

Gustavo Razzetti, fundador de Liberationist

Gustavo Razzetti, Founder at Liberationist, wrote an article on the recent episode that occurred on a United Airlines flight when a passenger was dragged out of the plane. The video of the incident went viral on social networks and affected the airline negatively. “The crisis of the ‘passenger dragged out of the plane’ can happen to anyone anytime. United Airlines was simply the dish of the week” points out Razzetti. That is why he advises organizations to prepare for their own “United moment”. The first thing that must be developed is an attitude of adaptation, explains Razzetti. For this, he recommends the following actions: Prepare employees to handle the unexpected -especially mistakes- in a human way; encourage decision-making with common sense, by simply following rules; train the team to make decisions in the client’s -not just the company’s- best interest; empower the team and offer solutions at the moment of the incident, delegate real authority for things to get done; and offer a safe place for people to experiment and take risks, since work and organizational cultures must be challenged.According to Razzetti, the way we work nowadays is broken. “That is why advisors like to say ‘the way we used to work’ and encourage ‘the future of work’ like the as the ideal to follow” he highlights. But, even though people like to know what’s going to happen before it does, he says, the problem is that while you devote time to discuss the future “we aren’t doing much to improve the present.”

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