The entertainment industry is bravely challenging the virus, at least until Monday, March 2. Reed Midem maintains its position of going ahead with its MIPTV market, but the organization did cover its back by emphasizing on its webpage that he is “closely monitoring the rapid evolution of the situation”, probably anticipating a change in direction.
The interpretation of the government decree prohibiting the gathering of five thousand people would not apply for MIPTV. The Argentinean editor Miguel Smirnoff expressed the following: “It refers to people gathered in one same enclosure, for example, a music recital. But this is not the case of MIPTV or Mipcom. There have never been more people together than the ones who fit in the auditorium”.
It is not a minor moment in the lives of markets, threatened by terrorism, changes in paradigms with budget cuts, and now pandemic viruses. PRODU journalists, in their investigation in the industry, received opinions as radical as “This is the end of fairs”.
However, there are always people who remember that to close business, there is nothing better than physical meetings, live between buyer and seller, which create that exact moment, that interconnected glance that says “YES” and right then, the toast. There is nothing quite like Cannes, the Cote d’Azur, with the organization and the glamour of the French who make you feel like a true VIP, a very important person.