The five main genres of the films aired by the new signal Zee Mundo are action, romance, suspense, drama and comedy. However, many of these films mix some elements from each genre, as David Cabán, Programming director at Zee Entertainment / Zee Mundo commented.
“In India they call it masala, which is a mix of all kinds of vegetables. That masala identifies with our genres, an action film can also be a romantic comedy with horror elements. Bollywood films are full of electricity, life and traditions,” mentions Cabán.
The executive highlighted that the channel will start programming mainly Bollywood films, but there are plans to include series.
“Our prime time is reserved for great premieres . We have action and romance nights, and on weekends there is a diverse entertainment offer. Sundays are for the family,” he ended.
The channel has a film library of more than 3,500 titles acquired by the Zee Entertainment cluster, Zee Mundo’s parent company.