The comedy series to-premiere-soon División de Bienes, alongside Juan Crespo from 3C Films; the film Retratos de Libertad, now in edition, debuting in 2024; and the series about white slavery, Camino Blanco, selected by Paramount for pitch in Iberseries, are the three projects in which Karina Piñeiro, CEO of K13.Producciones from Argentina is working on it.
Piñeiro wrote the three projects, and she acted in División de Bienes and Retratos de Libertad.
“Camino Blanco (8×30’) is based on an event regarding my family. I began to write the stories I remembered, filling the gaps with fiction because it happened long ago, and I didn’t have documents or records. That’s how Camino Blanco was born. I was behind all the writing and development process, and when everything came together, Juan Crespo of 3C Films and I presented it in Iberseries. Now, we are in the sample stage of development, and the plan is to make it in 2024. It is a strong story,” said Piñeiro.
She is in conversations with organizations that help women recover from white trafficking, and she intends for each episode to end with the testimony of someone who has gone through that situation.
Piñeiro is preparing a film about the sale of children resulting from artificial insemination. It is in the stage of finalizing the script. The project was presented in Iberseries and Ventana Sur.