Toyota And Neida Sandoval Together Are Unstoppable

Manuela Walfenzao| 16 de junio de 2017

Sandoval: Amo esta iniciativa para honrar a aquellos que nos han inspirado en la vida

To empower Hispanics to pursue their dreams, Toyota is launching the Juntos Somos Imparables (Together We are Unstoppable) campaign, in which award-winning journalist, Neida Sandoval has been selected to be the Celebrity Ambassador of this effort at a national level. “I love this initiative to honor those who have inspired us in life. I credit my parents with inspiring me to be courageous, win over my fears and dream big. I want to give back by motivating others to hand down these important values through future generations” said Sandoval, who will be traveling around the country to promote the campaign to different cities including San Antonio, Phoenix, San Diego and Dallas. The campaign includes a mural at NALEO, Dallas with an interactive booth, which will feature an art installation of attractively designed license plates bearing personal attributes such as “courage” and “perseverance.” Attendees will be asked to choose the value they most identify with and the person in their life who most inspired that quality. They will then replace the license plate on the wall with one bearing the name of the person to form a mural honoring all of those who have inspired them. They can also post their inspiration under hashtags #SomosImparables and #VayamosJuntos using social media kiosks at the booth, and enter raffles to win hi-tech prizes.

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